Herramientas especiales

Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer a nuestros clientes una gama completa de productos mediante la producción de nuestras propias herramientas especiales según las necesidades de nuestros clientes. Nuestro catálogo de producción incluye insertos de perfil, herramientas para torneado interno (donde no se pueden utilizar herramientas estándar). Nuestra experiencia nos permite diseñar rápidamente la geometría de las herramientas, el material y el recubrimiento para garantizar una alta productividad y una larga vida útil de nuestras herramientas.

Customer part profile

Do you manufacture high volumes of rotation parts? Do you want to save important part of the production time and of course the money? Do you want to produce precize parts without complicated machine setup?

We are able to produce custom insert for machining in precision up to 0,005 mm. According to application we will find the suitable carbide grade and coating.

You can come with whetever profile of your part and we will fing the solotuion for you.

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Customized vs standard cutting tool comparison:


Standard cutting process contais multiple operations - turning, general shape grooving and finally grooving of two small groves.

We have a solution for you that can significantly reduce your production time and costs. The use of the custom grooving insert allows to save tool save times and cutting time of the operations.

The final shape of your part is machined in one opartion in few secong during feed of the insert to your machined part. You don't need to make a finishing operation afterwards.


Part production time comparison

Thanks to desribed time savings you can reduce the production time of you parts by more than half.

Depanding on your specific solution you can profit from using our special inserts even after one hundred pieces production. Try a custom grooving insert from Konrad Tools.

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Please contact us to know more about our special tools.

Catálogo de herramientas especiales

Catálogo de herramientas especiales

Puede descargar el catálogo completo aquí.
